Для кого: Для девушек 11 класса в программировании, математике и других STEM Что: 3-дневный ивент от Jane Street (Лондон), всё оплачено Дедлайн подачи: 3 мая 2020 Для подачи нужно: Резюме и по желанию комментарий, почему вам было бы интересно поучаствовать. Нет резюме (и это норма) — пишите в комменты, научим делать! Коммент: Имхо, даты мероприятия перенесут или сделают онлайн. Our Women in STEM Education, WiSE is now open! Please apply at janestreet.com/apply-wise Women in STEM Education (WiSE) is a three-day programme hosted by Jane Street that is designed for women starting university in autumn 2020. It is an exclusive opportunity for new students to gain a detailed look at the careers that exist within our firm, and to learn how math, computer science, and probability concepts have a real-world impact on the work we do. Participants will interact with traders and technologists to learn how they transitioned from studying STEM subjects at university to careers at Jane Street. Evening social events will provide students with an opportunity to speak with Jane Street employees and other women attending the event in a more casual setting. Selected students will arrive in London on the evening of Sunday, 19 July and will depart the evening of Tuesday, 21 July. Jane Street will provide all travel to and from London, accommodation at a hotel near the office, and of course, plenty of food and drinks throughout the event. Deadline: Sunday 3rd May 2020, 11.59pm GMT Questions? Please don't hesitate to email work@janestreet.com. We look forward to meeting you!

Теги: education women STEM

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